more fantastic than fantastic

people who have been to ghana know the glory that is fan ice...of course many people have not gotten to experience the wonderful treat of eating icream from a plastic bag so let me explain. In West Africa and perhaps further a field is a wonderful thing called fan milk, they make frozen delicacies in single servings sized plastic sachets, my favorite are the fan chocolate (frozen chocloate milk like a fudgeicle), fan yogo which is frozen yogurt and fan ice by far my favroite, which is frozen softr served icream...i eat it several times everyday....(how else would i get my dairy?). To get one of these delcious products you could go to the store, or you could buy it from the window of a moving vehicle from a hawker on the side of the road, or just listen for the horn. Fan ice is sold from bicycles that ply the streets here, as theey honk their horns just like the ice cream truck that played happy music and brought you ice cream as a child.
Now what could be more delcious than getting ice cream in the sweltering heat from the window of your car, or even the door of your house when the fan ice man comes ... it is hard to think of something. But alas, being a woman I (and my housemates) have found ways to improve, for example, on tuesday, my friend Jessica had her birthday and we made fan ice cookie sandwhiches, and also fan ice capuchinos. We are even working on hainvg a fan ice cook off with some other friends and eventually make a fan ice cook book...its pathetic in some ways but the most glorious of ideas in another way.
so conclusion everyone should come to ghana and enjoy frozen treats that come from plastic bags.
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